Through Liz Colored Glasses

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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

All happy all the time

Well it has been an awesome Christmas so far. I know, you are thinking it's over right? Wrong. It started off with the weekend at Norms folks and me wanting to throw up. Turns out meeting the parents was a little bit more nerve racking than expected, but after yelling just as his mom answered our phone call and spilling my entire glass of water once we got there things seemed to settle out and I had a blast. It was amazing, we laughed all the time, even in our sleep.

Well okay maybe not that much, but we did laugh an awful lot and I learned how to make squash casserole.

So one family down and several to go as we headed to my house Tuesday afternoon after a long night of making candy...or at least me following directions and trying not to screw anything up. It worked out well.

Well I have to go now....I've had the morning at my house with my new fuzzy socks, but now it's time to hit the ground running again, for smiles and hugs and kissing of babies.

I'm going to need a vacation.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'll be home for Christmas

Yay I leave for Georgia tomorrow and everything that goes with that!!!! But first I will stop at the Edwards' and see Jonathan who is coming in from South Korea! What an amazing holiday this is shaping up to be.

On top of everything else I got the TA job with the elementary school so tomorrow is officially my last day working for Bailey's. Although knowing me I will suggest that they leave me in the system so that I can be an emergency call-in. The only problem with that is that I never feel like coming in when they call so it really doesn't do anybody any good except that it lessens my guilt the day I announce my departure, i.e. today. apartment is beautiful....well okay it's on it's way to beauty...I still have laundry to do when I get back from work, but other than that I have cleaned the whole thing wonderfully and now I just need to borrow a vacuum from my neighbors so I can finish the process....I am thoroughly pleased with myself.

The only thing that would make my life even more perfect right now is if these storm clouds would avoid flooding my car today.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Let the little children come

So I visited with the kindergarten class that I will be working with if all goes well. I will find out for sure in a couple of hours. It's a long process apparently. At any rate that experience has further solidified my desire to teach my own children at home.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that you can't hit a child that is not your own and that you cannot let them run about the school with markers doing whatever the heck they want, but these are five and six year olds that spend all day being told not to play or goof off, to behave like adults. So while I understand that this method is probably necessary since they are trying to control several hundred children, I do not believe that it is the best way for a child to grow up.

If a five year old little girl comes running up and jumps into my arms I refuse to drop her and demand she line back up. By golly I'm going to hug her and probably flip her upside down and tickle her....then set her down and tell her she needs to line up before we both get in trouble. I know I won't be able to indulge that very much once I actually work for the school because if you let all of them do that then you lose the ability to make them all sit still for a lesson on the alphabet.

I know they need to maintain some sort of order, but once I have's hugs and games all day long. It may include games like "help mommy sort the laundry" or "get the grape juice out of the gi before daddy comes home" but still....I refuse to let other people spend that much time with my kids at such a young age....I'm jealous and selfish, and I don't want to share.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


I'm not so sure I like the idea of blogging after all. At first nobody read my blog and it was more like a journal than my own personal soapbox. Now you all do and anybody in the world has access to my day to day life. Up until today that did not bother me, but then I realized that there are a couple people, okay like one people, who I do not want to know the inner workings of my thoughts. Not that I would be ashamed of anything I have written, but just that little stories of my life are what I tell to my friends and if somebody is not my friend then they do not have the right to know whether I am happy or sad or stressed or anything really, but a blog gives them that ability and ceasing to speak to somebody does not prevent them from keeping track of my life if they so choose. I'm not entirely okay with that.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Hell hath no fury...

It's been a rough week. Period.

So far I have punched one guy, verbally assaulted another and made Norm's life hell over the last several days.

We really don't require that much, just three simple tasks...that they anticipate, meet, and then exceed all of our expectations with no clues from fact we may even try to trick you.

And then we take your offerings....and slander your name while consuming them, damning you all to hell and all that.

If you are wondering why it is so difficult for men to give us what we want I shall tell you.....

we haven't the foggiest clue ourselves. It's like a game...where we make up all the rules and change them every 23 seconds without warning and men are supposed to have forseen the alteration and mastered it before we think it up.

Sucks for you all.

Deal with it.

We have cramps.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Rhyme and Reason

I am coming to the conclusion that my reason for needing to be in North Carolina, and Chapel Hill specifically and Apt. H-12 to be even more specific, is because I am growing up. We are all growing up actually and I'm enjoying basking in my new found love of my womanhood. I love that all my friends...meaning Megan and Elisabeth...are girls.

Admittedly growing up may involve alot more alcohol than I had originally thought. I'm okay with that.

I came home last night from a six hour was 3:30am and I stumbled into the kitchen for something to drink before heading off to bed...I reached for the orange juice only to notice that somebody had already poured a glass and just not finished it....splendid. One nice big thirsty gulp proved that either the orange juice was so old it had fermented or my roommates had been misbehaving while I was gone. I went to bed orange juiceless.

But I digress....

What I was really desiring to convey in this blog is that I am truly beginning to grasp the perfection of God's timing in my life. This was my last opportunity to reconnect with Elisabeth in this stage of our lives and lay the foundation for a friendship that will last the rest of my life, and He also knew just how much I needed her and a roommate like Megan to make me comfortable with myself and all my incompetent ridiculousness. We burst into tears and get eaten by posters and scream with laughter until we can't see, eat like crazy and constantly affirm eachother and express our mutual adoration and devotion. This is life and friendship and fun in it's purest sense and I really needed that as I make the transition into adulthood and all the real world that comes with that. I love them both with all my heart and I can't wait to travel with them into the next stages of our crazy lives.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Have you ever noticed how easily people are caught off gaurd if you do not follow the preset standard of behavior in a given situation? For example, when I wait on tables I say how you all today? and they say fine how are you? and I say SPECTACULAR thanks for asking!!! They tend to stop whatever they were doing and stare open mouthed for just a second before visibly coming to there senses and trying to remember what they were going to order. Try it sometime. It's fun. Or if you are supposed to be one place and you show up somewhere 436 miles away in the middle of the night...the response you get is what is commonly refered to as "dumbfounded" and will probably be accompanied by a heartattack. Also something you need to try, but you should probably start with the table thing and work your way up.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I never knew how to play dominoes until last weekend...a fact that I now view as a serious deprivation of childhood. It was Mexican Train Dominoes to be precise and it is me newest obsession. It's all the fun of games like speed and nertz with none of the desire to scream profanity and/or leap across the living room floor and strangle your opponent. I find that a refreshing quality in a game as I would normally spend all my time in between games trying to unkey up to a socially acceptable level. Would that technically be keying down? It is now.

Speaking of keying up and down and whatever. I have found that nothing gets me quite as worked up as watching my old judo tournament drives me know how men like to scream at the tv during sports even though it won't make any difference (not to they could do any better) It's like that but sort of an out of body experience since it's me, It's also not live and I already know how they will all turn out, seeing as I was there and all, but none of that keeps from yelling and banging my head on the floor as I pick a girl up off of her feet and then set her back down without ever throwing. I find that phrases like COME ON!!!! WHAT THE CRAP WAS THAT!?!?!?!?! and OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS PURE AND HOLY!!!!!!!...are helpful

I so should've had that just irks me, and if you've never been irked let me just tell you it is a violent emotion.

Well actually most all my emotions are violent now that I think about it so I guess that doesn't really help you to understand. Elisabeth and I talked about that the other day, I have violent propensities. She does not. Then we changed topics. It's not that I actually want to hurt someone....I'm just very reactive. That's what we'll call it from now on I think, it sounds less socially awkward. At any rate no matter what you call it Judo does a good job of getting it out of my if I ever discuss skipping Judo in front of you it would probably be in your best interest to encourage me to go.....especially if we plan on playing cards later.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk

So as much as I like to think that I am in control of my emotional state of being I have had to come to grips with the fact that other people's actions do affect my life. In addition I can't just operant condition my way out of everything.

I have come to the conclusion that even though I say my parents relationship had no effect (I never know which one to use so I will just's one of the words I could never get straight) on my own view of relationships. It did.

On the plus side, accepting that fact leaves me open to deal with crap that I thought everybody went through but apparently not. I don't think that I am "scarred" by having watched my parents relationship, or lackthereof, but it definitly bruised just a tad.


On with the healing....

Friday, December 01, 2006

Defining Characteristics

Paradigm Shift

A fundamental change in approach or assumptions