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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I never knew how to play dominoes until last weekend...a fact that I now view as a serious deprivation of childhood. It was Mexican Train Dominoes to be precise and it is me newest obsession. It's all the fun of games like speed and nertz with none of the desire to scream profanity and/or leap across the living room floor and strangle your opponent. I find that a refreshing quality in a game as I would normally spend all my time in between games trying to unkey up to a socially acceptable level. Would that technically be keying down? It is now.

Speaking of keying up and down and whatever. I have found that nothing gets me quite as worked up as watching my old judo tournament drives me know how men like to scream at the tv during sports even though it won't make any difference (not to they could do any better) It's like that but sort of an out of body experience since it's me, It's also not live and I already know how they will all turn out, seeing as I was there and all, but none of that keeps from yelling and banging my head on the floor as I pick a girl up off of her feet and then set her back down without ever throwing. I find that phrases like COME ON!!!! WHAT THE CRAP WAS THAT!?!?!?!?! and OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS PURE AND HOLY!!!!!!!...are helpful

I so should've had that just irks me, and if you've never been irked let me just tell you it is a violent emotion.

Well actually most all my emotions are violent now that I think about it so I guess that doesn't really help you to understand. Elisabeth and I talked about that the other day, I have violent propensities. She does not. Then we changed topics. It's not that I actually want to hurt someone....I'm just very reactive. That's what we'll call it from now on I think, it sounds less socially awkward. At any rate no matter what you call it Judo does a good job of getting it out of my if I ever discuss skipping Judo in front of you it would probably be in your best interest to encourage me to go.....especially if we plan on playing cards later.


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