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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Friday, November 17, 2006

God, Faith and Table waiting

So I was waiting tables yesterday and had to stay late through a series of random frustrating events. I was beginning to kick myself for turning down the 8-5 position but only half-heartedly. I do love waiting tables and by having to stay late I made enough money to go to the UT tournament this weekend.

Well my last table was very nice and we started talking and they asked me about my future career goals and to make a long story shory (because I only have 4 more minutes on my comp time at the library) the guy is a principal for one of the to rated publuc schools in the area and I met with him this morning to fill out applications and discuss the possibility of employment. CRAZY!!!!!!

So that's what's up in my life right now. I may have a career, I may have nothing, I may end up in Peru trudging through the jungle or teaching special needs children in Orange County. Regardless I will follow God and be okay.

I love the way life works out and doesn't work out and makes you cry and makes you worry and surprises you with the most spectacular events and then awes you with the beauty of the everyday. God never ceases to amaze me in His never ending grace and desire to show me His love. Everytime I doubt He comes through and shows me what a silly little creature I was. I question and He answers. I ask and He gives. I worship Him and He showers me with an unimaginable love that takes my breath away and moves me to tears.

Maybe I'll come back when I have more time and edit this crazy post so that it has some sort of coherency

probably not though.


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