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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

War....what is it good for?

Besides butterflies of course.

So I was listening to NPR and I tuned in to the end of a story about a guy in Iraq. They had sound clips from one of his friends talking about him and stuff they did for a while and then the lady comes on with her monotone NPR voice and states that he was killed the other day in an explosion and that friends and family were posting their farewells to his myspace. I cried all the way from Hwy 54 to 540.


Every human being has a life why do we feel the need to take somebody elses? What drives one person to kill another one, or himself for that matter. It sounds like such a naive plea, because it is, but I can't help crying "make it stop!"

I remember the first time I really grasped the thought of the US being at war. They were describing the triumphant home coming of Jessica Lynch. I listened to the story, she was 19, so was I. I cried then too.

I hate war.


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