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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ice cream and men...

No offense to all my much loved guy friends out there but I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed having just girlfriends for a while. Elisabeth and I have spent the evening flipping through facebook pictures, and talking about men with a 1/2 gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and two spoons between us. I love her. I can't believe I survived the last 11 years of my life without her constant presence in it. I am so happy here. This set up is going to be very bad for my weight class but I don't care right now, Peachtree will be light medium heavy anyway so who cares if I'm a couple pounds out.

I have also discovered that with Megan being just as much of a slob as me I feel no pressure to clean such I cleaned the whole apartment this afternoon.

Also, I have realized the definition of unconditional love as I spent over an hour cleaning crap out of my car in the pouring rain and bathed the culprit twice consequently getting drenched from head to tow in suds and dog hair I then collapsed on the bed, looked at Bo and just thought "I think I would die without you in my life you crazy fool."

I'm very happy right now. Exhausted and still technically jobless but overall pleased with the course of this life I've been given.


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