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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I run this wide open course, like the sagging spirit of an older horse.

That about sums up how I feel today. I'm still going, haven't changed my route, but I'm just worn out. I do the things I do, not because I want to, just because it's what I do. I had a frustrating workout last night and Norm had to work late so I called up a friend from NC that I miss terribly. It was great to catch up, and I felt better for venting, but it made me really miss North Carolina and all the people I love there. So I went to bed in a melancholy mood and slept fitfully all night long.

Nightmares haunted my sleep and chased the dreams away. Nightmares about baby animals drowning and snakes in the amazon.

So I drug my sleepless self out of bed an hour after the alarm went off and attempted to struggle through my morning routine. I was running late and didn't get breakfast, only had enough filtered water to fill my water bottle up half way and slumped out the front door after taking Norm's offering of a banana and stuffing it in my purse along with all other articles known to man. I really need to clean that thing out.

But was just a bad twelve hours.

Now I'm exhausted, monotone, ready to call in sick to work except that I'm already here and aside from being generally down, am clearly not sick.

God help me get through this day...also...I love You.


Blogger Megan said...

You know, I was thinking earlier driving down the mountain how much i love my life and colorado and everything... but how i really really miss living with you in our cozy messy apartment in chapel hill. i hope the day is looking up. i love you.

12:32 PM  

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