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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I really enjoy walking to and from work across campus. I kind of makes me miss being in class myself, taking notes, stressing over test scores. But at the time I would have told you that I couldn't wait to get out and not have to worry about whether or not going out with my friends would affect my test and thus my class and thus the rest of my life.

I was a little fanatic.

I enjoy watching the students from my office window, contemplating what classes they are in, where they want their lives to go and why in the world you would ever pair that shirt and those pants and shoes!

I smile to myself at the number of girls that walk around with that red circle on the back of their calves that comes from sitting cross legged for long periods of time. It amuses me mostly because I get those all the time, especially during church or at work, I have to try not to cross my legs too long when I'm meeting with somebody important, otherwise the last thing they see will be a lovely young lady with a large red splotch on the back of her leg. Not charming.


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