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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Thursday, September 07, 2006


It's good to be home after three months in Peru, it's amazing how it seemed like I had lived there for years and now it already feels like a dream.

But now I am faced with the all pressing question of what to do with my life. I have graduated school, I went on my great post graduate adventure that everybody should experience, and now what? I have three old bosses trying to hire me back, how do I tell them I don't want to work for them if I have nothing else lined up? Where do I go now? I was hoping for answers to these very questions on my trip and they just never came. If anything I have more questions now than before. Where does God want me and what does He want me to do when I get there? I know He will show me if I only listen carefully. That being said I should be seeking God harder now than ever before. So why is my Bible still in the suitcase when I've been home for two whole days? Was our summer bond that fragile that the mere re-entrance into my old life style was enough to shatter it? I think not. I'm a little bit anxious about what the future may hold, but I have no reason to be, He has already taught me that numerous times. So here we go jumping off the deep end, let's see how well His little girl learned how to swim this summer.


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