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Location: Carrollton, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Inspired but tired

So I'm moving to NC. I guess now we know how long I last in an 8-5 I'm a little bit scared and I have no clue how everything is going to work out, but I know it will. It was all because of a random post on Megan Deluca's website. And now in a couple of weeks I will be NC bound. I have wanted to move back for ten years it's really going to happen. Crazy. I don't reallyt know how to feel about everything yet, and I don't know how to break it to my boss that I will no longer be working there. It's just a little bit scary, but then again maybe this move is what God was preparing me for in Peru, I mean after taking off to a south american country for three months moving five hours away shouldn't be a bog deal. Right? I am beat from working so much and having no home. Can I really move in just a couple of weeks? I guess we're going to find out.


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